Golf played in the true spirit of the game!
Sandford Springs GC
Sandford Springs is the home course of the majority of Pheasants members.
A link to the course is here:
5. Nov, 2015
Sandford Springs have now introduced Winter Rules. This is done to protect the course and also, to quote the rule book, promote fair and pleasant play. Normally we do this on Nov 1st but with the recent wet weather we are implementing it now until next season.
Essentially this 'preferred lie' rule means that you can mark, lift, clean and place your ball on fairways and aprons but not in the rough. You can also take relief from an embedded ball, even if it is in the rough.
The blue posts will also be gradually appearing around the aprons over the coming week or so. These are to protect the green approaches so please keep buggies and trollies outside of these areas.
Buggies will only be permitted if the conditions allow and we will operate a 3 tier system; On, medical certificate only, Off. Trolleys will normally stay on but please be prepared that at very short notice, if we get large amounts of rainfall, we may introduce a trolley ban.
If you are dependent on a buggy or trolley to play then please make sure you call ahead to check.