The society shall be called and known as The Pheasants Golf Society.

Purpose and Aim of the Rules and Regulations (known as The Constitution)

The purpose and aim of these Rules and Regulations are to ensure that the Pheasants Golf Society is organized and run in a proper and professional manner. Thus ensuring that all those who are members are satisfied that the society is well managed financially, socially and in accordance with the Rules of Golf and is fully accountable.


  • Full Membership is for members and ex members of Sandford Springs GC and by invitation only.
  • New members can be invited to join or proposed by existing members and agreed by the Captain, Vice Captain and at least one past Captain or a member of the committee.
  • Social Member (Non-Playing), for those players who have been full members but can no longer play but wish to remain within the society (with full voting rights).


  • The Committee shall consist of a President (proposed), Captain, Vice-Captain, Treasurer and up to 3 other members (normally previous Captains) elected at the AGM. A quorum shall be 4 which must include 2 or more from the Captain, Vice Captain and Treasurer. All members of the Committee shall remain in office until they decide to retire or another member decides to stand for a position on the Committee. This will be proposed and seconded and voted upon at the next scheduled AGM.
  • Any member of the Society can apply for a position on the Committee. Tenure will normally be for one year for the Captain but other posts may be filled on a more permanent basis.
  • Pheasants President - The role of the President is to ensure the standards and traditions of the Pheasants Golf Society are maintained  for the benefit of all members. He is to act as the point of contact and mentor for the incumbent Captain. The position of President shall be for a 5 year period and voted in at the AGM. 
  • Pheasants Captain – The Captain shall preside at all society meetings; direct all activities of the Societies Executive Committee, communicate with the Golf course to be played; ensure the societies Rules and Regulations are updated and officially recorded. The Captain shall assure that the officers list is up to date. The Captain shall arrange and book the courses, detail the teams, choose the game, purchase the prizes and keep records of the winners. The Captain shall assure that all trophies are properly accounted for and maintained. The Captain shall assure the completion of the Societies attendance records and membership list and forward a copy to the Treasurer/Secretary at year end. A box file is held by the Captain within which is the relevant information.
  • Vice Captain – The Vice Captain will normally be the following years Captain (elected and notified at the previous years AGM). The Vice Captain will preside in the absence of the Captain and perform such duties as may be required. The Vice Captain shall assure that all trophies are properly accounted for and maintained. The Vice Captain shall assist the Captain during match days with fees and score cards and any other tasks as required.
  • Pheasants Treasurer/Secretary – The Treasurer is the custodian of all Society funds collected. The Treasurer shall assure that all monies are deposited and recorded accurately and that that the Societies financial records are properly kept and maintained. The Treasurer will act also as the Secretary at the AGM and record the minutes of all Society meetings; ensure the retention and maintenance of the Societies records, reports and communication. The Secretary shall assure the completion, submission and retention of the Societies attendance records and membership list.


  • The Committee shall determine what competitions are to be played and the playing handicap of members which may at times differ from the CONGU Handicap where past performance indicates that an adjustment may be appropriate. This will be known as The Pheasants Society Handicap. It will remain the committees responsibility to choose what type of competition will be played and individual stroke allowance (in consultation with the in year and previous years Captain (to ensure continuity)), if any, to be given. In the case of a discrepancy the Captain will make a ruling on the day and his/her decision will be final. If the Captain is unable for whatever reason to make a decision then the full committee will meet and their decision will be absolute.


  • An AGM shall be held once every year and normally after the last match/meeting of the season. Voting at an AGM shall be one vote per member, the secretary having the casting vote.
  • Any proposal for a rule change, addition, or a new rule applied or amended must be given in writing no less than fourteen days prior to an AGM with the proposers and seconders name on it.
  • Two-thirds majority of the members present must pass all proposals at the time. Proposers and seconders must be present at the AGM for their proposals to be passed. The Committee has the power to introduce new emergency/permanent rules and or rule changes it considers being in the best interests of the society.
  • At the AGM the following year’s committee and key personnel will be voted in.
  • Minutes recording all decisions will be taken by a nominated committee member and promulgated to all members within 7 days after the AGM.


  • All games are to be played under the rules of golf as directed and approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews, Fife, Scotland. All Handicaps[2] will be adjusted under the rules of the Council of National Golf Union (CONGU) & The English Golf Unions. Playing hadicaps for each meeting will be decided in accordance with the World Handicap Index (WHI) for the course being played.
  • These Pheasants Society Rules cancel all other society rules in force.
  • The Committee shall exercise its discretion on any point of dispute; any point not covered by these rules shall be referred to the rules of golf.
  • These rules are not exhaustive but are expected of us all. Please take the time to read and digest. Above all always remember to do the right thing by golf and in the spirrit of the game.
  • There is no rule of Golf requiring a player to initial any mistake on a scorecard. Any mistake must be crossed through and the correction entered at the side all players must sign the scorecard at the end of a round to confirm gross scores only. The player may initial instead of signing, it doesn’t need to be in the correct space, it can be in either the player or markers space. Rubbing out will not be allowed, cards cannot be altered after being handed in, any doubtful points must be clarified before doing so. All comps will be made up of rounds of Stableford and rounds of Strokeplay, so scores must be returned. A no return on one hole on a card will result in disqualification from the competition (except for Stableford events), but will still count towards your handicap, so it is in your interests to ensure you return a score.
  • All players are responsible for the scores per hole and NOT the addition of the gross score. Players should not add scores at the end of a round or apply the recorded handicap, this is the responsibility of the committee.
  •  It is a player’s responsibility to ensure his/her correct handicap is entered onto his/her card as posted on the notice board. If the wrong handicap is entered onto his card and he/she does not correct it, the player will be disqualified.
  • Any player found guilty of trying to falsely build a handicap would have his existing handicap suspended for the remainder of the season.
  • Mulligans or Gimmees will not be tolerated and any player or players reported for doing so will immediately be disqualified if found guilty of doing so.
  • Lost or out of bounds. A member has two options. Option 1: The Rules of Golf Rule 27.1. A player should proceed with a provisional ball and not carry on in the hope it is neither lost or out of bounds.  Option 2: A player must agree with all playing partners that a ball shall be played form a point where all agree the original is lost or out of bounds. This does not mean the middle of the fairway, if the point is deemed as rough, then the ball shall be played from the rough. TWO penalty strokes shall be applied instead of the normal one. We are aware that this is not as per the Rules of Golf and is purely a Society ruling in order to keep the pace of play moving forward. It is in the interest of all players to watch each other’s shot to get an idea of where it may be, and not stand talking when someone is playing their shot. This also has the effect of speeding up play when it comes time to look for a ball.

, it is up to the individual to ensure the correct ball is played. If a wrong ball is played you must play the correct one adding two penalty strokes Rule 15.3.

Wrong ball played

The player who at the end of the season has amassed the most Stableford points will become the Player of The Year. In the event of a tie, the player who has amassed the most number of rounds attended will be crowned the champion

  • The player who at the end of the season has amassed the most Stableford points will become the The Pheasants Overall Winner. In the event of a tie, it will be decided on count back by the Captain and Vice Captain.
  • The Society cups are to be presented as follows:-
  • Pheasants Golfing Society Cup – Winner first and third venue.  
  • Pheasants Captains CupCaptains Day Winner -- second venue. Kept by winner for 1 year
  • Pheasants Trophy - Overall Winner’s Cup – presented on the third venue to the person who has the highest total of stableford points over the three rounds. Kept by winner for 1 year.


  • The Captain may at anytime invite guests to matches as he/she sees fit. There may be a limitation on numbers so this will be at the Captains discretion. Any member wishing to bring a guest must inform the Captain prior to an event. All guests are the responsibility of the member for conduct and any financial obligations.
  •  Guests have no voting rights at the AGM or in any Pheasants GS matter.


  • A Pheasants Polo Shirt (and Pheasants Jumper, weather dependant) is to be worn on the course.  A Society tie must be worn for the evening meal and presentation. Polo Shirt, Tie and Jumper can be purchased through the society Membership Secretary.


  • There will be no annual subscription fee. All costs will be met by individuals playing in a particular match. The costs will be calculated by the Captain and committee pertinent to the course being played and the format of the day. Typically these will include the following:
  • Green Fees (for the course to be played)
  • Dinner
  • Lunch
  • Tea/Coffee on arrival (may include food)
  • Prizes
  • Any monies taken from the account in advance  is to be used for deposits for courses and prizes by the Captain – this money is to be reimbursed to the fund on collecting the fees on the match day. Any surplus monies will be paid in to the Pheasants Society Bank Account after each match. This surplus will form the basis for the float to pay any incidentals not attributable to any single member.
  • It is a requirement of the society that the Match Fees are paid in full on the day.
  • All receipts are to be given to the treasurer for financial control and audit.


  • The Pheasants Society Bank Account (a Community Account) will be held with the HSBC Bank PLC and is subject to the statutory regulatory financial authority standards and practices. Account branch address:


6 Northbrook Street



RG14 1DJ

  • The Treasurer will make the statement of account available to the Captain and Committee on request.
  • Withdrawing and paying in of any monies will require a minimum of 2 nominated signatories (submitted to HSBC in advance) from the committee.


  • The committee will nominate at the AGM persons to conduct a financial audit within 7 days of the final meeting/match. All findings and statements are to be presented to the committee for ratification prior to the start of the new playing season.
  • A statement of account is to be made available to all members prior on request and displayed appropriately at the AGM.


  • The Pheasants Golf Society Rules and Regulations will be reviewed annually and on the changeover of the in year Captain and at the AGM. All changes will require ratification by the committee with a majority vote. If no majority then the succeeding Captain will have the casting vote.
  • These current Rules and Regulations have been produced and agreed by the 2014 Captain and committee with endorsement from the 2015 Captain.

Signed: Original Signed

Print Name: Mr Eddie Cox

Date: 1 Nov 14

Membership Secretary/Clothing

Signed: Original Signed

Print Name: Mr Steve Moore

Date: 1 Nov 14

2015 Captain

Signed: Original Signed

Print Name: Mr Clive Hunt

Date: 1 Nov 14


[1] V 1.6 dated May 2022

[2] Less for any Pheasants Society Handicap allocated by the committee.